About Us
TELE CORP BPO provides best professional services at higher standards
TELE CORP BPO provides best professional services at higher standards
Our unique corporate structure allows us with a competitive advantage so we can offer a comprehensive and recognition solutions to all companies regardless of size Since 2013 as a call center services provider we have:
• Become one of the leading call center service providers.
• The most efficient and highly skilled employee network.
• Expanded services to provide multi-channel support (web chat, e-mail, inbound, outbound)
• Matured our live agent call center services to provide high end performance based sales acquisition and high end customer care support.
• Expanded our client to different countries. Other relevant information about Telecorp Bpo consulting would be available to only interested clients. References are made available upon request, due to the confidential and proprietary nature of our client base. For further information you may contact us on info@telecorpbpo.com Our Client We work with all kinds of companies looking for telemarketing services, outsourcing, lead generation, appointment schedule, data scrubbing and VOIP services.Suspendisse consectetur fringilla suctus.
Interactively redefine economically sound services whereas